광고 Dividends Tax (Tax on dividends) is a tax levied on shareholders who receive dividends, whilst STC is a tax levied on enterprises who announce dividends. It is a withholding tax, which means that it should be withheld and paid to SARS by the company paying the dividend or a registered intermediary rather than the individual who is due for the tax  tax ai.

What is the definition of dividend tax?
In simple terms, If you own stock in a firm, you may generate income in two ways: by selling the stock if it appreciates in value or by receiving dividends paid by the company if it decides to distribute earnings to shareholders.

Dividends may be a terrific method to create consistent income from your assets. However, like with any other kind of income, you may be required to pay further.

While dividends are taxed at a lesser rate than money earned from employment or a pension, the government stated in September 2021 that the rates will be raised by 1.25 percentage points beginning on April 6, 2022.

You can use your tax-free dividend permits, which means you can earn more money from your assets before having to pay it.

This article will teach you all you need to know about dividend taxation.

How much dividend tax do you pay in TAX YEAR: 2021-22?
You will not have to pay anything on dividend income up to 2,000 in the 2021-22 tax year. The tax-free dividend allowance is what it’s called.

In 2017-18, the allowance was reduced from 5,000 to 4,000.

Above this tax-free threshold for dividend income, you pay tax at the rate you pay on your other income, which is known as your ‘tax band’ or, in certain cases, your ‘marginal tax rate.’

If you store your shares or money in a stock and shares Isas, you can also avoid paying tax on your investment income.

If your only source of income is from investments, you can also exhaust your tax-free p